Dopamine Nation. Anne Lembke. Ed.Dutton
In the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts. Gabor Maté. Ed. Vermilion
The Neuroscience of Addiction. Francesca Mapua. Ed. Cambridge Univ. Press
Addiction, a Biopsychosocial Perspective. Chris Chandler & Anita Andrews. Ed. Sage
Never Enough. The Neuroscience and experience of addiction. Judith Grisel. Ed. Scribe
Drugs 2.0 The Web Revolution that’s changing how the World gets High. Mike Powers. Ed. Portobello Books
The Party is Over. Ben Westhoff. Ed. Today’s Issues.
Patrick Radden Keefe. The Empire of Pain. Ed. Reservoir Books
The Passive Drinker. Antoni Gual. Ed. Universo de Letras
The Corps keeps score. Bessel Van der Kolk MD. Ed. Eleftheria
Why We Do What We Do. Edward L. Deci. Ed. Penguin
Heavier than Heaven, Kurt Cobain: The Biography. Charles R. Cross. Ed. Reservoir Books
Recovery, Freedom from our Addictions. Russell Brand. Ed. Bluebird Books for Life
The Senses. Ignacio Morgado. Ed. Ariel
Manipulated. Facebook’s Battle for World Domination. Sheera Frenkel. Ed. Debate
The Gift of Therapy. Irvin D. Yalom
The Feeling of What Happens. Antonio Damasio. Vintage Ed.
The Story of The Human Body. Daniel Lieberman. Ed. Penguin
Dopamine. Daniel Lieberman. Ed. Peninsula
Ten Reasons to Delete Your Social Media Immediately. Jaron Lanier. Ed. Debate
Digital Minimalism. Cal Newport. Ed. Paidós
Seven and a half Lessons About the Brain. Lisa Feldman Barrett. Ed. Picador
Breathe. James Nestor. Ed. Planeta
When the Body Says No. Gabor Maté. Ed. Vermilion
Drug Dealer MD. Anna Lembke. Ed. Johns Hopkins
Drink? The New Science of Alcohol and Your Health. David Nutt. Ed. Yellow Kite
Scattered Minds. Gabor Maté. Ed. Vermilion
How to Change Your Mind. Michael Pollan. Ed. Penguin
Historia General de las Drogas I. Antonio Escohotado. Ed. The Ambush
General History of Drugs II. Antonio Escohotado. Ed. The Ambush
The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide. James Fadiman PhD. Ed. Park Street Press
Undo Anxiety. Judson Brewer. Ed. Paidós
Drug Use for Grown-Ups. Dr. Carl L. Hart. Ed. Penguin
Who Owns the Future? Jason Lanier. Ed. Penguin
Scar Tissue. Anthony Kiedis. Ed. Sphere
Drugs Without the Hot Air. David Nutt. Ed. ITU Cambridge
Beautiful Boy. David Sheff. Ed. Pocket Books
Clean. Overcoming Addiction and Ending America’s Greatest Tragedy. David Sheff. Ed. Mariner
Ten Drugs, Substances That Changed Our Lives. Thomas Hager. Ed. Criticism.
The Healing Brain. Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Alvaro Fdz-Ibz, David Bartrés-Faz. Ed. Plataforma Actual
The Book of the Poisons. Antonio Escohotado. Ed. La Caja Books
The Myth of Normal. Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture. Gabor Maté. Ed. Vermilion